Monday, March 20, 2017

Don't Be This A-Hole

       Safety isn't a sometimes thing.

       Just yesterday in the hallowed halls of Ye Olde Gonne Shoppe, a goober rudely demanded to be shown a rifle. He sneered at the Vortex scope, then used it to draw a bead on a woman customer in an orange sweater. That got him an immediate command; "SIR! Point the gun UP and BACK!" He didn't comply, snarling that he was testing the optic on a contrasting target. (After all, plenty of deer wear safety orange.) I finally got the rifle from him, cleared it, put it on the rack, wished him a good day, and walked down the counter.

       Cletus stood there sputtering.

       He may still be there.

       I don't care.

       I won't leave a weapon in the hands of such an ignoramus, someone so willing to violate the rules of gun safety and assault an innocent. Col. Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety are the very foundation of our gun culture, defining our basic interactions and our core ethos of respect, responsibility and safety. We ignore them at our peril.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Uhhh.... You Were Saying?

       If you are a very lovely young lass, amply blessed by Nature's God, and dressed to thrill, please do not lean over the gun counter at Ye Olde Gonne Shoppe.

       It does no good to the Firearm Sales Associate's focus and concentration.


      To the good, I passed my heart stress test with flying colors!

Monday, March 6, 2017


       Cuba Libre! Death to (Raul) Castro!

        It's been one of those days of wading in the shallow end of the gene pool at Ye Olde Gonne Shoppe.

Saturday, March 4, 2017


       Sumdood called Ye Olde Gonne Shoppe asking about a particular type of handgun favored by the more discriminating banger. 

        You could smell the weed over the phone. 

        Sheesh, doood. You'll need to be able to coherently put more than three words together before we'll sell you a gun. We'll even count articles.